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Sunday, June 22, 2008

let me introduce you to our "fighter"

We were so excited! We found out that our youngest was going to be a big brother! The test immediately read positive!! but what we didn't know is what this blog is all about!

I hope it brings many to the cross of Jesus, Our Creator, out Father, Our Savior. I pray that if you are one who reads this blog and are going through a difficult time, that you will find yourself being lifted up into the arms of Jesus! not all post will end happy, but they will be truthful! we don't know what road God will choose for us to go down as a family but what we are sure of is that our hope and Final answer is in Jesus Christ! We may not know what the future hold but we do know who holds the future! he is holding us today as he has shown us.

Our journey began in the early months of 2006. For this is when we found out that our youngest boy was going to be a "BIG brother." it seemed to be a "normal" pregnancy until one day i thought i felt a kick a little to early. I called the doctor and they said, nothing to worry about it may be just a "gas bubble" something didn't settle but i wasn't in pain so i just said okay...

I remember the day like is was yesterday. i was sitting in the "new babies" room and was folding clothes, going through our others kids clothes.

we never had a 10 week ultra sound because everything sounded great! The heartbeat was strong! the doctors began getting worried when i wasn't gaining weight. at one point they began talking about sending me home with an IV but after some prayer, i began to gain little by little. to the Doctors satisfaction! PRAISE THE LORD, i don't know how i would have done it with 2 children already at home. one was 14 months and one was 3!

We hit our 20 weeks and still no ultrasounds! i know i was kinda bummed because i REALLY wanted to see what our baby looked like! around week 22 or 23 we finally had our "level 2 ultra sound"

we were so excited! we had decided that we would find out the sex of the baby. we had the names picked out if we were going to have a boy his name would be Matthew and if God gave us a girl her name would be Sarah Grace. so i was on the table with jelly on my belly! My husband and i are looking at the screen and I'm thinking something doesn't look right and meanwhile mu husband is thinking the same things...and then we see and here her say,"yep there definitely are twins in there!! mouth dropped, my husband grabbed my hand and squeezed so tight!

The first words out of his mouth were"what did you just say?" poor Rachel, didn't know we didn't know!! she turned to us and said, "I'm sorry i thought you knew!" i started to cry! tears of Joy of course!! this is what we walked away with that day!!

baby "A" above and baby "B" below

the feelings my husband and i had went from being excited, shocked, worried..(we had a car big enough for 3 car seats not four!!) speechless! non stop talk! All the above were felt in less then 2 seconds!!

My husbands conversation on the way home was nothing but COMPLETE joy!! God was giving us twins!! and as far as the tech could tell we were having twin girls!!! guess Matthew wasn't going to work! i wanted to keep the second baby as a surprise!! i thought it would be fun to have a second baby "pop"out and say surprise to family!! my husband wasn't going along with that idea!! although he said it would be funny!!! we decided we would make phone calls and when they asked what we were having a boy or a girl we would answer "no!"

I will admit, my way would have been fun, but listening to peoples responds to "no" was fun!! they were so confused! some didn't believe us, some started to cry, some shouted for joy and some said a prayer!! for when they asked we said no we are not having a boy or girl but twin girls! they were shocked, and excited for us!!