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Sunday, August 7, 2011

a bunch of pictures

if a bunch of picture bore you then this post will bore you =0)
 i feel so bad that I have not kept up on this blog...
we have done so much sine May...
we have gone on vacation to see family, been to theme parks celebrated the 4th of July with a family picnic....face painting.... been to the beach...
we had Sarah tested for school...she has been placed in kindergarten! WHOO HOO! to say she is excited is an understatement!! she is so determined in her own way to show others she is walking in victory!
Sarah is due for her MRI in fact is past due....we are waiting for an phone call from the hospital....we know the result will be fine..but i guess their is always the "anxious" feeling as her mom! so as soon as that is scheduled I w ill let you know.  i have set up a "Follow me" button please follow Sarah's story and pass it along!
with all that said, grab your coffee or tea and enjoy these pictures of out little girl who is walking in Victory

 (one can never be to careful in water lol)

please come back  soon. if you are new please click HERE to read about her surgery day and please leave a comment for SArah to read as she gets older...i know it will touch her heart!


wow have I really gone all summer without posting anything..i am so sorry! wow where do i even begin
to get you started you can go to my other blog, My Life just as it is
or check out some of my pictures on my flicker account

i promise post more today after church..

she is doing AWESOME and continues to walk in the light of Jesus and his healing!