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Thursday, April 21, 2011

she continues to do great!

hi everyone!
just wanted to post some up to date pictures!
So with Easter right around the corner we are getting ready for our neighborhood egg hunt! though we don't celebrate the easter bunny our kids do get to participate in egg hunts and do receive candy, but we try to limit it and they only get candy that has to do with the REAL meaning of Easter! so with that said,here are a few of Sarah and her sister filling some eggs with candy.
  for our egg hunt...this year the kids and parents will receive a Resurrection cookie devotion to do as a family Saturday night...check it out here...

 as you celebrate "Easter" remember to stay focused on the REAL meaning..
A Savior who loves YOU, who died for YOU who arose from the Dead for YOU
he loves YOU and is waiting for YOU to confess your sins, Admit you are a sinner in need of a Savior believe in him today and you will be given the GIFT of ETERNAL life!
Jesus paid the price so we wouldn't have to!