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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

follow the link

Hi everyone, i just posted a link here about Sarah's b-day party, please feel free to jump on over there to check out some more pictures, thanks

Monday, November 21, 2011


As I sat and listened to Sarah snore I found myself just soaking in the goodness of God. Sarah let us know form 22 weeks gestation, that life was not going to be the same =0) yep, 22 weeks into the pregnancy was the first time we realized she was there! Life has been full of ups and downs but with my Jesus we made it and life has been anything but boring!
5 things I love about sarah:
1. How she loves her Jesus.
2. Quick to share even with her brothers.
3 Much like her mommy she is the "Peacemaker" (well most of the time)
4. Has shown everyone that no brain tumor will hold her back..she is all ready completed more then 50 days of kindergarden
5. Has taught me not o be afraid to just let God be in control!

Mom and dad are so proud of you. Not just for what you have overcome already but simply for who you are! We love how you wrinkle your nose when you are in a deep conversation and how you look up to the ceiling with arms crossed! You have added so much to our lives, to our family. We are so blessed to have you as ours for how ever long Jesus allows.  keep reaching for the stars baby girl and we are sure that you will get  your hearts desire! Keep loving Jesus the way you do and keep telling others how Jesus loves them and died for their sins. Your reward will be great one day as Jesus says, "Well done my good and faithful servant!" We can not wait to see what this next year bring your way, I'm sure that we can not even imagine what heaven hold for you and what you hold for Heaven! Happy birth-victory day Sarah we love you so much.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

5th birthday

it's bitter sweet time of year. hard to believe that this was Sarah and her sister almost 5 years ago(Tori on the Left, Sarah on the right)
..victoria on left, Sarah on right...
one year later and this was SArah

and here she (they) is today
5ht birthday 021a

we had their party today! i though ti'd share just acouple from today and then share more on Monday5ht birthday 1145ht birthday 023a5ht birthday 0365ht birthday 060
here she is stickers/make-up and all! man I love you little girl!
5ht birthday 072
please come back for more Monday, and thank you to all who have been praying for our miracle girl!