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Sunday, November 28, 2010

3 years ago today...

we were kissing our daughter and praying for God's protection over her as she headed to surgery!and this is her today! our spunkiest kid ever!! she has kicked cancers butt!! and we couldn't be more proud! we have begun to talk to Sarah about it as she begins to notice her scar! it takes me by surprise sometimes when just out of the blue she asks questions that every 4 year old does. "but why mommy" we just answer question on a 4 year old level and as soon as she asks and hears the answer is off and playing again! leaves me smiling and thanking Jesus again and again!

a few weeks ago, we got the girls hair cut and we donated their hair to "Locks-of-Love!

this is a picture that holds so much daughter who was a cancer child, holding hair that will be donated to a "cancer" child!

we don't take any day for granted, But thank the Lord for giving us one more day! God made it VERY clear on November 28th 2007 at 4:30 p.m that he has a very special plan for Sarah and what the enemy meant for evil God meant for good!

we love you Sarah!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by today! What adorable kiddos you have and what an amazing blessing that your lil girl has beaten cancer!!