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Saturday, April 14, 2012

she's doing great

just watned to share some Easter pics of our girl!
Sarah and her daddy at church
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even though Sarah's siblings don't really understand what Sarah has gone through, one day they will understand just how blessed we are as a family and how thankful we are as a family for those of you who have lifted her up in prayer!
easter 015family

Saturday, March 24, 2012

a day in the Life of Sarah!

a personal project i did of each of us in the family.  I wanted to share with all of yous


sarah 001 sarah 003 sarah 004

jumpd on some school work before everyone else did! she is such a good student!
sarah 007 sarah 008 sarah 010 sarah 012 sarah 013

putting make-up on before school starts =0)

sarah 018 sarah 020 sarah 024 sarah 025 sarah 032

doing her part of the rainbow Jell=o for St. Patrick's day

sarah 067

watch her favorite movie.. "Shark Boy and Lava Girl"

sarah 083

Just playing outside! 
sarah 101

sarah 115 sarah 123

just sharing some secret with her twin!

sarah 149 sarah 157 sarah 210
went out to eat for Pizza, she loved her salad!

sarah 220 sarah 233 sarah 237

she is doing awesome! 
come back in a couple of days
for some more pictures! she is amazing us on how much she has developed in a years time!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year

WE the holidays are almost over..we've been busy during the month of December with school, parties, Christmas and birthdays!

Here are just a few of you busy month.
at the beginning of the month we headed to a Walk through Bethleham"
livenativity 012
livenativity 016
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MAtthew was so funny! he giggled and giggled!

we also went out and saw some Christmas lights!

Lights 012

Lights 023
Lights 028

Lights 028

one way we do our advent is with magnets, they love doing this. when they place Jesus in the manger scene they know it's Christmas.
Christmas 015

we took cookies to the police and fire station on Christmas EVE to tell them thank you.
Christmas 058
Sarah loved the fire trucks!
Christmas 063

Christmas 038
Christmas 037
Christmas 042
Christmas 055
Sarah with our Pastor at the women's cookie exchange
livenativity 006
then we headed to enjoy Christmas with family

Christmas 110

matthewsb-day 003


Then we went away for a two day vacation!
new years 031
and some more celebration at the hotel to open present from their Uncle, Aunt and grandma!
new years 087
new years 122
my birthday suprise!
new years 071

and now we are back into the routine of homeschool! happy taht we didn't have to go outside in the COLD weather!