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Saturday, March 24, 2012

a day in the Life of Sarah!

a personal project i did of each of us in the family.  I wanted to share with all of yous


sarah 001 sarah 003 sarah 004

jumpd on some school work before everyone else did! she is such a good student!
sarah 007 sarah 008 sarah 010 sarah 012 sarah 013

putting make-up on before school starts =0)

sarah 018 sarah 020 sarah 024 sarah 025 sarah 032

doing her part of the rainbow Jell=o for St. Patrick's day

sarah 067

watch her favorite movie.. "Shark Boy and Lava Girl"

sarah 083

Just playing outside! 
sarah 101

sarah 115 sarah 123

just sharing some secret with her twin!

sarah 149 sarah 157 sarah 210
went out to eat for Pizza, she loved her salad!

sarah 220 sarah 233 sarah 237

she is doing awesome! 
come back in a couple of days
for some more pictures! she is amazing us on how much she has developed in a years time!

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