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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

more then what they thought...

Sarah is definitely a little miracle girl! I know that all babies are miracles....but there are some that you sit and you think, they are here after they've been through all of that....

so many times i find myself just looking at pictures and watching Sarah as she has grown and think, what is God up to with her life.

Sarah began putting on the weight at around 3 months. We began to notice that she wasn't doing what her sister was. Developmentally Sarah as falling behind. And i also know that each child is different and that it's not fare to compare, but come on, parents do and somehow that makes it okay, right?

WE noticed that Sarah wasn't eating anymore then her sister but yet her weight was becoming an issue, and with the weight issue came the "problems" Sarah wasn't able to support her own weight at all, she wasn't even trying.

She was in and out of the hospital for breathing problems, (if you want to know more about this then read some older post..)

Sarah had made it out of surgery and the Doctor explained that when he got to the tumor there was calcium all around it, meaning that the tumor had to of been there for a while, and seeing that she was only a year old, she may have had it there her entire life.

At the time of surgery Sarah weighed 30 pounds...go ahead and say it, it's okay..."wow that 's a big girl!" she weighed as much as her 2 .5 year old brother. no wonder she couldn't move around, right?

the awesome news is that it's going on 9 months and Sarah still weighs 30 pounds, she hasn't gained a pound and it's not a concern!!! and she has not been admitted back into the hospital for "breathing problems" God has been so good to us! We miss the nurses at the hospital, in a way but it's a good thing right?

okay now onto the a more serious note.

the last post i mentioned that the tumor was being sent away....well it only took a few days and it was determined that is was a low grade cancer tumor. At this point a parent must make a decision, focus on the good or the bad. WE as parents choose to rejoice...

I rejoiced that God allowed us to find this nasty tumor before it went on any longer, I praised the Lord that He kept me back from going with my daughter in the ambulance to the hospital when this all started. I praised the Lord that DR. A's eyes were still open to my daughter. Although He and the nurses had seen Sarah 3 or 4 days per months they didn't treat her like she was a regular patient. they were attentive to her.

I praised the Lord the He opened the door for the Doctor to have an opening to perform the surgery a day after we found out Sarah had a brain tumor, this never happens unless it's a God thing! God was in it from the very beginning! He saw Sarah through it and is still seeing her through it.

Because it was a low grade cancer tumor Sarah has to have MRI's every few months to make sure the tumor is not growing back. They do this to make sure no radiation or chemo is needed.

the song that goes through my mind at this point of the testimony is, " His report says VICTORY..whose report will you believe, His report says VICTORY!!!"

Sarah is walking in the Grace of God. Her name is so fitting and ordained by God..."Sarah Grace" here are some picture of Sarah...then and nowwe had just got her stitches out and were finally able to celebrate the girls 1st birthday (below)...Sarah had to be isolated until the stitches were removed.....
we found our right before this picture (below), that Sarah's MRI came back with Great news! no tumor was growing back!

We are coming up onto our 2nd MRI in a few weeks.

and this is Sarah now:

you can't even see the scar!

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