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Friday, March 15, 2013


my heart is rejoicing, my body is telling me go to sleep, my head is racing in so many different directions. God is so good. today was the big day. Sarah ended her yearly  visits.



This is the Doctor God used to bring healing to our daughter. 5 years later and they meet again. This alone brings so many emotions.... so thankful that God lined this Doctor up with our needs. So thankful that 5 years ago, he had an opening for our family. So thankful that God guided his hands and removed every single cancer cell.


I have more to share, but i'm one exhausted mom. Please come back and I will share more of today with all of you. thank you for walking with us in prayer. give your children a little more hugs and kisses, make sure they know how special they are and how much you love them. Don't take a single moment for granted. love on them.


Shonda said...


Vandana Sharma said...

Great to know that all is well with this little angel. Daughters are god's greatest gift:)