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Friday, November 20, 2009

She turns 3!!

very mixed emotions about this day!! God has been so faithful to us! little Sarah is a walking testimony of the healing power of God!! 3 years ago they were brought in to this world as little 5 pound turkeys in 2006! one year later, we were sitting in the ER with Sarah, she was rushed via ambulance to the hospital. little did we know that our faith in God was about to be tested!! We held on tight and listened to HIS heartbeat and let him carry us through.... 2 years later Sarah is cancer free and loves to tell people that Jesus is hers and that he holds her hand and talks to her!!!!

enjoy this little slide show we put together to celebrate her life!!

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

appointment went well...

couldn't have asked for a better appointment! Sarah didn't even want to go home!! she literally sat in the middle of the hall way by the front office playing with stickers, telling me" just a little longer mom just a little longer mom!!

the Doctor has no problem with waiting for the blood work until her next MRI. Sarah will not even know she is having blood drawn...they will do it through her IV while she is out!! praise the LORD!!

WE as parents want the best for her and even though there may not be a problem we need to be sure that we can catch it early enough if there is. we are concerned with her weight and if it's something we can just get under control NOW while she is young then she WONT struggle with it when she is older!

I'm not going into much more detail for the time being, just pray that God who can heal will heal once again IF there is a need!!
for now, enjoy these recent pictures of our miracle girls!!




Friday, October 23, 2009

appointment today

just a follow up for her MRI that was few months back. but both Jacob and I know that Sarah maybe needing more testing done. I am asking for prayer for favor. The procedures that we are thinking about of course involve blood work. From so many experiences with nurses and doctors, i know that her veins are so hard to get, they are tricky. they normally have to prick and poke EVERY limb and go down every option. it's not fun for her or me ;0( i am considering asking if they will try and draw blood at her next MRI appointment.

will let you know how today's appointment goes.

thank for praying and caring.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

just a couple pictures of Sarah and her siblings...


and then let the fun begin....




this is what i ended up with as one of my favorites..

Sunday, August 23, 2009

sarah enjoying the summer...

So sit right back and enjoy these pictures of the little girl that YOU have been praying for:

(this picture above cracks me up everytime!!LOL)




we were so proud of her this summer, leaping forward in so many areas!
We love you little girl!! you're going to make a great BIG SISTER!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

update on MRI

thank you for all your prayers for Sarah today! I will say, this was the easiest by far for both mom and Sarah. Our little trooper did it with no tears, well....okay there were a few when she got the initial shot..but that was it! she even had the doctors laughing at one point! she is such a trooper!

The IV was only only poke, and it stayed, with no problems with flushing!! Praise the Lord!! although we know what the Great Physicians report already says, and that is that Sarah is HEALED, we must wait for the Doctors from the hospital say!!

the next time we go back Sarah will be a big sister! Six months spans now!! which will out us in February!!

I can not say thank you enough to all who have joined us on this journey in prayer for a little girl you may never meet this side of Heaven, but someday you will hear her say, Thank you for your prayers! she is our little miracle girl!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

MRI in teh morning.

just a quick post...we are off to have Sarah's MRI tomorrow morning (Monday). Please pray for safe travel and that God will continue to show us his healing power. Sarah's last MRI was canceled due to a cold. she is doing better and i see no reason for it to be cancelled this time. we will let you know how it goes and as always, thank you so much for holding her up in your prayers.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

she loves her sister....


Loved this picture too much to not share it

Saturday, July 4, 2009

urgent prayer request..

not much to say, except, there is a family who needs your prayers. they are going through what we've been through and all i can say is PLEASE PRAY FOR PEACE AND WISDOM! there daughter has a brain tumor and will be going into surgery...
Please click here to hear there hearts...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

a few pix to catch up

she loves the water!!

waiting for Daddy to come home from work!

on Father's day! can't tell who is happier, daddy or Sarah!! she brings so much joy and laughter into this home!!
love you little girl
one of these days i will get Sarah kissing my belly...she hugs it and says love youuuu

Sunday, June 14, 2009

she's turned another corner on us!

where does the time go? Sarah is completely done with both therapy classes. friendships were made that were hard to "let go" in a sense...Ms Katrina become more of mommy's friend then ever thought possible. Just the other day Sarah and Victoria were having a bad moment.... and they kept asking for Ms Katrina! they didn't want mommy or daddy they wanted her! so the next day when Ms Katrina stopped by for the last session i told her.
Thinking it was priceless, she past along her address and phone number, the girls wanted to talk to her on the phone but i didn't have that info. but now that Ms Katrina is not the "therapist" we can become friends.
Ms Katrina, thank you for everything you endured with us!! thank you for loving Sarah even when she wasn't lovable!! For working with her when she wasn't teachable. Not sure what we will do every Friday mornings now!! but you will be thought of and we will be calling you! the girls just love you!!
being the last session,
the girls (even Victoria) got presents. Dora buckets shovels,
bubbles, stress balls and stickers..
the girls couldn't wait to play with the stickers...they had so much fun!
and when the stickers got"old" Sarah moved onto putting the bucket on her head!!

she is growing up on us! can hardly believe it!! Seriously, where did the time go!?
we love you little princess and are so proud of what you have accomplished so far!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


i seem to have forgotten to mention some pretty big news on here...

It seems as though Sarah will be done with her Physical therapy. we met for the last time today! we are so thankful to me Matt for all his help and for loving on Sarah when she just wasn't very lovable!! but she has crossed over to the point of not qualifying for help!! it is such a bittersweet day! she is becoming more and more as a 2 year old should!

we are so proud of you little fighter! God has so much in store for you! Each day brings you one step closer!!

and now onto some other big news! it seems to be that God's plan is bigger then ours and his ways are clearly not ours!! We recently found out that Sarah and Her twin sister will become a "big" sisters!! but more on this exciting news later

thank you all for your prayers for Sarah during these two years! she is moving forward and reminds us daily of just how awesome our God is!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

tubes went well

Sarah's procedure went well. Sarah on the other hand was insulted beyond what she could handle. but i guess if you want to get in and out then she knows what she is doing!!
The tubes went in between 8:15 and 8:30, they were on the way home by 8:45!! way to get in and out there Sarah!! During that 15 minutes she ate a cookie and drank some juice between screams! the nurses said, okay you can leave, Sarah stopped crying and did what she always does...reached up to gives hugs and kisses to all the nurses at the desk!! like i said, SHE KNOWS WHAT SHE IS DOING!! thank you all for your prayers!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Sarah will have tubes put in on May 27th around 8:00 am. please keep her in your prayers. it's not a huge deal, but please pray anyway! thanks

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

ears and MRI

for some time now we (the doctors and us as parents) have been watching Sarah to see if she too would need tubes. we went to the specialist a month ago, at that time he said he wanted to wait to see how long Sarah would go with no infections. well she didn't go long! Just getting of meds for a recent Ear infection, proves that even with meds, they are not clearing up.

SO this morning when they ear doctor said, tubes are needed i was not shocked! she will go in at the end of May for tubes. will pass on more info when available.

we are also scheduling her MRI, it will be in June. please keep her in your prayers as we head into the next couple of months. As i get more details about these appointment i will pass them along.

thank you following us in prayer as we continue on this path that The Lord has laid before us.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

in her Father's arms

when i took these and saw the final result
all I could think of.......

she's been carried by her Daddy....


and how many times has she heard the voice of God whispering some thing in her ear?
we love you Sarah!

Friday, April 17, 2009


it's been awhile, but just quickly wanted to let you know that she needs no tubes (in her ears). the doctor wants to see how she does through the summer! I'll try and post pictures of Sarah in action tonite....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

enjoying a "new Sarah"

Sarah has become a "new" girl!! i say this because we are seeing a different side of her daily!
she is getting around so nice now, it's almost as though she has figured out that the things at the end of her legs can get her anywhere and fast!! Last summer we tried to go out to the playgrounds, and though we did, i will admit it was stressful...Sarah was still wobbly and not really walking yet, she cried about everything. she was mostly frustrated that she couldn't go where everyone else was!! we've been to Chuckie Cheese's and she loves climbing in the tunnels... she would never have done it last year!!

this is her watching her brothers jumping on our moon bouncer... the other day she was out playing in our back yard, walking all over the place like she owned it all!!

to look at her, one would never know she has already had brain surgery!! My God is awesome...come back for more spring action pictures!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

we got to meet some new people

I have it in my heart to alwas say thank you to those who pray for Sarah. when SArah first went in to the hospital and they found that she had the brain tumor we knw thr only way to get through it was to lean on Jesus, and to get others praying for Sarah. through Sarah's Care page at i have met many people and believe that one day we will see them face to face. then i can say thank you. thank you for praying for my little girl.

but today we were able to meet three very special people. Sarah doesn't realize just how specail they are, but one day when Sarah gets older, she will read this and on the days she doubts, she will know that God has a special plan and so many people stand behind her. with prayer! there are so many people that i don't know, but which i did, so that i could include them in this blog but for now, names will have to do..

fromt eh bottom of my heart I say thank you all for being prayer warriors for a lttle girl you don't even know, but some day will....

i have not shared these pictures but i feel that it's okay to do so now. above at the top, is Sarah minutes before going into surgery. this picture right above, is Sarah a couple of days after so many of you lifted her up. this was Sarah, 100% cancer free just a couple of days after her surgery..

here are a few of you...

Friday, February 20, 2009

explains it all

He has been so good to us!! Thank you Jesus!